Beauty Girl

Beauty Girl

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday Tip of the Week

Today I am sharing my tip of the week.  This tip can save those of us who have a great deal of allergies of a great gamut of ingredients, from having a great deal of allergic reactions.

By using this really easy tip, you can save yourself a world of frustration, and money at the Dr. and Benedryl!  This does not work 100% for products you would use in your eye area, but for body products, hair and facial areas it's been a life saver several times for me.

When trying out a new beauty/skincare product for the first time NEVER use it all over. Do a patch test on your neck right behind your  ear. Leave the product there for at least 4 to 5 hours.

I used a darker makeup products so you can see the placement of your test product.

If no reaction occurred then you are more than likely safe to use this on your face or body or hair.  The area behind your ear is extremely sensitive skin, so if it passes this test you will be ok. If it creates a red patch, then you should not use the product, and return it.  (Side tip- always keep your receipts!!!)

I hope this little tip, will save you allergy sufferers out there like me! 

Stop by again next week for another Tuesday Tip of the Week!

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