Beauty Girl

Beauty Girl

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hi. My Name is Kris, and I am an Exfoliating Addict. TUESDAY TIP OF THE WEEK!

Not something to be ashamed of for sure.

The best thing you can do for aging skin is to exfoliate on a regular basis.  It makes all the other things you do with your skincare, and your makeup work 100 times better!

With that being said, I would like you give you the breakdown of how I use an exfoliator, what my schedule is, and which products I love the best.  I will list my top five.

First things first.  You must use a good cleaner before you ever start the process of exfoliation.  Getting your skin free of makeup and debris is priority #1!  If you use an exfoliator on dirty skin, all you will do is grind the dirt into your pours, and that is totally what you don't want to happen.

I use makeup wipes to get rid of the bulk of my makeup, then use the cleanser to remove the rest from your skin.

I use an exfoliator 2-3 times per week.  This helps my skin to be soft, and to accept serums and moisturizers better.  They soak into the skin much quicker, and more complete.  If you moisturize without exfoliation, all you are doing is rubbing moisturizer on the surface, and it really does not have the opportunity to penetrate past your top layer of your skin.  Allowing your serums and moisturizes to go deeper into the skin will help fight the signs of aging.  In my humble opinion, using a good quality exfoliator should be done be everyone over 20.  It's never too early to start the fight!!  It works wonders for breakout prone skin as well.

When I use my product, I take about a nickel size onto my fingers and blend it together between the two hands and then apply to a very damp to wet face.  In a circular motion with light pressure, I massage the skin avoiding the eye area, for approximately 1 to 2 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.  Tapping your skin dry with a towel and then moisturize as soon as you can after will help to lock moisture into the skin.

So, here are my 6 favorites as far a a physical exfoliator goes.  (Notice they all that have that aqua-blue type color on the packaging?  Not sure if that draws me to them in the first place, or if it's just coincidence!)

In this order, these are my favorites!  Prices range from $72.00 to $24.00 for full sizes.  When ordering on line like Amazon or Ebay, watch sizes!!  Travel sizes that are small are NOT worth the $15.00 to $17.00 I see them going for.  For example, Amazon has a full size of the Vasanti for $34.00, when a .07oz size is going for $17.00.  That is a rip off.  

                           Bliss Micro Magic is my all time favorite!
                          I really have enjoyed my trial size of the Vasanti BrightenUp!
                           that I got in one of my subscription boxes.

                                The product from Serious Skincare is great too.......
                          but pretty expensive.Fortunately it was a gift with purchase 
                           when I bought another product.
                                 I love this dr. brandt microderm, but it's super expensive 
                           and I probably would never spend that much money.  $72.00.

                                                     The Christie Brinkley
                                               is very reasonable for the size at $24.00
                               This Mixnature Face Scrub is wonderful.
                                You get to pick your own active ingredients,
                                but it's the least effective of my top six.

I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from this admission of addiction!  It's for sure nothing to be ashamed of!  If people tell me all the time they don't believe me when I tell then I will be 60 years old in 5 months time, I must be doing something right!

See you next week for the TUESDAY TIP OF THE WEEK!

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